Fellow Citizens,

My post today concerns our freedom to choose quality food for our families. Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are incredibly prevalent in our food supply. Most people don’t know about them or what kind of health risks they present. In addition, most people do not know how prevalent they are. Take a minute and go through your cupboards and/or pantry and look at the ingredients on the labels of the common household food items that are in there. Do you see any of the following ingredients included in the list?


  • Sucrose
  • High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
  • Corn Syrup (HFCS under another name)
  • Corn syrup solids
  • Brown sugar
  • Dextrose
  • Sodium Nitrite
  • Monosodium Glutamate
  • Yeast Extract (MSG)
  • Hydrolyzed or autolyzed ingredients (MSG)
  • Enriched grains
  • Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucralose, Sorbitol, more here)
  • Long, chemical-sounding words that you can’t pronounce


These are just a few of the GMO ingredients that have become part of our food chain that can result in the following symptoms:


  • Chronic pain
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Learning disabilities
  • High medical bills
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Skin blemishes and spots
  • Easily injured
  • Frequently sick
  • Sleep disorders
  • Tired and fatigued
  • Irritable
  • Cancer
  • Organ deterioration/destruction
  • Death


A very good, one-page guide to use as a reference is the Honest Food Guide, which can be downloaded for free here. It is well worth the time and effort to investigate GMOs and understand what they are and how they affect you and your family’s health. Companies that use GMOs, particularly HFCS, in their products are PepsiCo, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, and the list goes on, representing the largest food producers in the world. Realize, as well, that GMOs can also be in other household goods, such as make-up, soaps and shampoos; products we use every day and do not think twice about ingesting or applying on our skin.


A recent study entitled, A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health showed that rats that were fed GMOs and FDA and EPA-approved levels of the Monsanto-manufactured pesticide, Round-Up, developed massive tumors, had premature deaths and severe reduction in reproductive health. A good story that explains this in layman’s terms is here. Suffice to say that GMOs have been shown to cause cancer, infertility, organ damage and other deadly health problems throughout the globe.


GMOs also encompass whole crops of food plants that are genetically modified to resist pesticides. This may seem like a good thing at first because farmers can spray their fields with Round-Up or other weed-killing pesticides and not kill the money crop. The problem with this is that the pesticide does not dissipate to levels so as not to affect human development and general health. Common foods, such as corn and soybeans, are packed full of pesticides that, in short, poison the animals and humans that consume them. Yes, the feed that cattle eat is rife with pesticides so their meat is now contaminated as well. Consistent consumption of these food items accumulate more poison than the systems they are affecting can handle and this results in increased disease, such as cancer and birth defects. Companies that produce these chemicals are Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Dow, Bayer, BASF and ConAgra.


So, how can you, the Free Consumer, determine if there are GMOs in the food you are contemplating buying and feeding to your family? Presently, the best way is to READ THE LABEL. This requires that you know what to look for but the previous list is a good start. The best way to minimize your ingestion of toxic chemicals is to buy organic, or go with fresh, minimally-processed foods. Having as short a distance from the garden, lake, river or pasture to your table is another. Look for ingredient lists that are simple, short and unpretentious. These are ways YOU can do something right now.


Another way is through your elected representatives. There is legislation that is coming up for vote in California, Proposition 37, that, if passed, will require that the presence of GMOs be acknowledged on the labeling. One complaint about this is that the Food and Drug Administration does not require all chemicals to be listed on an ingredients list. Foods can be contaminated with pesticides, solvents, acrylamides, PFOA, perchlorate (rocket fuel) and other toxic chemicals without needing to list them at all. While this is another issue to be dealt with, just the act of labeling what falls under the labeling guidelines is a big step in informing the consumer of unhealthy ingredients. See both Yes and No sides of the Prop 37 issue here and here. To make it simple for those that want to see GMO labeling on their food, vote YES to Prop 37. For a list of companies that top the “No on 37” funding, go here.


Luckily, we are not alone in our identification and eradication actions concerning GMOs. Countries such as Russia, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Thailand all have come out against GMOs, either with labeling laws or some kind of ban on growing, distributing or selling GMOs in their countries. GMO labeling laws are in the planning stages in several states across the country, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich has already introduced a national GMO labeling law called the Genetically Engineered Food Safety Act, or H.R. 6635. It is important that we, as Free Citizens, pass on the evidence and information so as to ensure others that may be purchasing and ingesting GMOs are at least educated so that they can make their own choices. Not buying GMO products is as an effective statement as any to deter companies that continue to process foods this way. SPEAK YOUR MIND to those that make the decisions to use GMOs, whether they are CEOs, company representatives, elected representatives or even restaurant owners. In short, Think for Yourself and make the free choices that promote your family’s good health and longevity.


Next time, I will be writing about water; its supply, the chemicals in it and how you can ensure that you are getting the best, most nutritious liquids of Life to you and your family.


In Liberty,



Useful Links on GMOs:










